Tuesday, July 20, 2010

20 Jul 2010

My dear familia!

It sounds like you've had some exciting things happening this week! Que suerte!

Last week was SO nuts and I'm sorry I was a poop and didn't write a longer letter. Getting everything ready for transfers was hectic, but things are a little less hectic now...sort of.

Yeah, so congrats on being Nana again, Mom. My daughter - Hna. Christina Rico - was born July 14, 2010 at about 12:40 p.m. She's got curly brown hair with her brown eyes. She's about 5'6" and 120 pounds. Okay 130. Nah, I don't know how much she weighs, really. She comes from Draper, Utah and she was only in the MTC for 3 weeks. Her dad is from Mexico and her mom is from California. She's the 2nd of 4, with a 32 year old brother who lives in Cali and a 18 and 15 year old sisters at home. Her family is less active, so I think it's legit she's here. But she's cute and I love her to pieces.

When I got the call last Saturday, Hna. Kendell and I were sitting/laying on my bed and when I heard I was training, I about fell off the stupid thing. Usually, trainers receive a call on Friuday before they send out the voicemail, but no call. I thought Hna. Kendell and I were staying together. Sunday morning, President Greer called me and he was like, "So Sister Pleshek, it looks like you have a new assignment coming your way" and I was like "Yep, I definitely learned that from the voicemail. I was shocked, that's for sure." He just laughed and told me that I was called by God and hand picked tobe her trainer. That made me feel semi-calmed. But he then proceeded to tell me her name was Sister Ree-cow. You know, like how people say Rekow. I figured it wasn't right because he said it with a gringo accent. And he had told me she was fast tracked through the MTC. So anways.

On Monday, I got a blessing from E. Arnold. I was just really feeling inadequate and like I couldn't do it. He...well, my Heavenly Father told me that He had already planned out my mission before I was even on one and that I was the right person for the job. When things like that happen, I just..I know Heavenly Father is mindful of us and loves us. There's no way He doesn't. He knows my fears and gave me the faith to overcome them.

Saying goodbye to Hna. Kendell was hard. Probably not as hard as saying goodbye to Hna. Dunoskovic because she was leaving the mission. I know I will see Hna. Kendell again, soon! And I can always leave her a message. But we had SO much fun together. She was great for me to have right before I trained. She helped me a lot and I grew so much!

We had a trainer's meeting with the Greers on Friday. That was awesome! I love the Greers! Sister Greer is SO tender and just...I love to give her HUGE hugs because she's a hugger and so am I. The meeting about about training vs. teaching and bold vs. overbearing. They also taught us tips on how to help our greenies more. I am the only sister missionary training this transfer. I'm also the only Spanish missionary training, too. It's fun because a lot of the elders that are training on this side of the mission are my buddies and first time trainers, too. It's really exciting.

My first day - Thursday - was really hard for me. I felt so alone. It wasn't good. But after being on my knees to my Father in Heaven, I felt a lot better. And Friday night. Oh my gosh, I was in tears. Elder Arnold had given a spiritual thought about sharing the gospel and his grandma. His grandma isn't a member, but he has a sister in Chile on a mision, too. And as they write home, they've started giving her reading assignments from the Book of Mormon. He said the have never given up hope and now, little by little, she's coming around. I just had all my thoughs turn to my Papa. I felt like I needed to write a letter to him. As I got my paper and started to write my letter, the tears just fell from my face. I was so filled with love and just the deepest desire for him to repent. Just like how Alma feels. I began to think of my experience in the temple and how I wanted my grandparents to be in the temple with me. I was breaking inside and the tears were coming and then the phone rang. It was Elder Bair calling about dinner and when he asked me why I was crying, I proceeded to tell him. He listened and then just talked to me. He told me to always remember 2 things. 1 - I was never to lose hope, even though I haven't. And 2 - if it wasn't for my Papa's testimony of the gospel, I wouldn't be here. He assured me my Father knew how I felt and once again, it was the words I needed to hear from the mouth of an elder. The Lord works in mysterious way, but they always benefit us.

We had a rock awesome day yesterday. We were getting really discouraged because we had an awesome district meeting and everything and then, we just weren't finding anyone to talk to. All of our appointments fell through. So, we just finally sat in our car and said a prayer. And, we started in a totally different place and just started walking. We ran into so many new people and got appointments to come teach them. It was SO awesome. And this lady came up to us, asking us how to get ahold of the missionaries because she wanted to take the lessons again. Oh my gosh, this is SO the Lord's work and He's in it 122429035239035823590%!!!!!!!! I have such a huge testimony of that.

Well, I love you all and things are really going good here. I love Vancouver and I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to train. Hna. Rico and I are growing and learning together and enjoying it while it comes. I love you and thank you for all you do for me. Be safe and don't let George come and getcha! =)

Con amor,
Hna. Pleshek

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