Tuesday, November 9, 2010

9 Nov 2010


Well, this week has been crazy! We've had all sorts of good things happen and so many awesome people we're teaching. I love the little miracles we see each day. [And it especially makes my day when I see someone walk in the library with a mullet!] So, let's see.

Yesterday was awesome. I learned the art of cutting elders' hair. That was exciting. Elder Gamett who goes home next Monday asked if I could cut his hair. Of course, the only experience I have with cutting hair is Tom and Dad. And Tom's is easy. Put on a guard and go to town. Well, it's different with an elder who has to see his family and likes to 'do' his hair as they say. No pressure. Especially with 3 other elders and my companion watching. But, it turned out pretty good. At least I think so. Maybe I'm cut out for the whole hair thing. I sure hope so.

Well, we're teaching this kid named Antonio. He's the boyfriend of a less-active and at first, he wasn't so thrilled about the whole religion thing. He was like 'I'll do my thing, you do yours and we'll leave it at that.' No big deal, right? Well, so we started teaching him and it was such a bust! He was like oh yeah, I wasn't listening when we asked him what he thought about Joseph Smith seeing God and Jesus Christ. I wasn't listening? What the heck? So, we decided that we just needed to start with the basics and since he's very 'Catholic', just to start teaching out of the Gospel Principles book because that's something we could teach and agree on. Well, we've been doing that and as we've been teaching him the principles, he's become more open. He listens and gets involved in the lessons. He voluntarily tells stories and he's just...it's a miracle. He even came to church last week and so did the less active family. It was amazing! We had 3 investigators in church and that was ...awesome! No words.

And then there's this other lady we're teaching - Maria. And her husband is a less active member, too. And she's soooo golden. She asks all the questions you wish an investigator would ask. She's so ready and she's prayed and got her answer and so on Thursday, we're hoping to put her on date. She's so ready. Her husband knows it. The branch knows it. We know it. Now it's just getting her to see that she's ready, too.

We're also tag team teaching this man named Jose. He's pretty golden, too, but the elders can never seem to get a hold of him. So, we pass by and he's there, so we teach him. He's dealing with marriage issues, which I don't want to get involved in, but he's pretty determined to take the lessons even though he's dealing with issues and such. So, we're hoping that he'll want to involve the elders more than us. But he's pretty cool.

It sounds like things are exciting at home, as always. It really does seem like the weeks fly by. I too feel like I sit down to write and think of what all went on the last week. What will interest you to hear about me.

Things are going really good here in Yakima. It's getting cold...so we're hoping to finish tracting Moxee and then have some solid gators there...so we don't have to tract when there's snow on the ground. I hope the Lord provides for us, but I'm always willing to do what He asks...even if it means tracting in the snow.

Speaking of...I know you said you figured out my Christmas present, but does it include boots in any way?

And...things are going well. I love this work and I am glad to be a part of it. I love you all and hope things find you warm and healthy. =)
Con amor,
Hermana Pleshek

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