Wednesday, March 31, 2010

30 March 2010

I for sure know what you mean about the mind going blank when you sit down to write. It's so true. I should just start making a list of all the things that I want to tell you each week and then when I finally sit down to write, it'd be a lot easier. But that would be a lot of effort and I don't always have time to do those little extra convenient stuff. But, here we are. Another week gone by and I can't believe it! Where is time going? It doesn't seem like it's been a week since I last wrote. Everyone always says that a mission flies by really fast, but I just...half of me still thinks it takes forever, but the other half is like holy cow!

Like, in all honesty, I'm almost at my 6 month mark and that freaks me out like you have no idea. It feels like you guys just dropped me off at the MTC. Well, I'm not really there anymore and it does feel like I'm still brand spanking new, just stepped off the plane. But that's not the case and it's almost just a big slap in the face every week when I sit down on a p-day to write about the week that just flew by.

So, let's see if anything exciting has happened this week. Oh, we went tracting for Collect the Elect this week. Which is we tract every other day for 3 hours on double exchanges. I have all the papers at the apartment that explain it, but we each take a lady from the branch for 3 hours and go tracting apartment complexes. In two days, we got 30 return appointments and we had about 7 new investigators this week. We had 3 baptisms in the branch this week and it's just been amazing! The Lord is truly blessing our efforts.

We're still working with some of the investigators I had with Hna. Dunoskovic, but a lot of them are either dropped or we don't pay as much attention to as we should. It's kind of frustrating to see these people I was teaching not progressing. But, everyone has their agency and that's something that we always have to remember. We can't force anyone to do anything. It's just the way the Lord intended it to be.

Let's see, what else? Did I mention how much I love my district? My district is amazing! Right now, my DL is Elder Garrett and he's so inspired. My ZL's, too. They are just absolutely amazing! I couldn't ask for betters ones because they walk and teach by the Spirit and when they teach us or have a meeting - whether it's in Spanish or English - it's always something that I am in need of hearing and helps me grow immensely.

Minus the minor frustrations, everything is going well. We're plugging along like missionaries do and we are always blessed beyond measure. But it's a HUGE testimony to me to see how much families are blessed by missionary work. Not only the families we teach, but the families of the missionaries!

We had this family come to sacrament meeting on Sunday and I was SO excited! It was a family that Hna. Dunoskovic and I were teaching and the mom was like 'yeah, I know that I need to be baptized' and then when the dad came back from Texas from working, he forbade her from coming. Well, the mom went to a lady in the branch and told her that we were pushing her and she didn't want us to come back. We honestly weren't, but you know, we respect her wishes. So anytime I'd go tracting with Hna. Garcia, I'd just look at their house and be like man! I just wish that they would have been baptized. Well, I forgot what apartment they lived in one day when we were tracting and we tracted into her husband [who I'd never met, so I had no idea it was him]. We gave him a pamphlet and asked him to read it. Their whole family shows up at church on Sunday and I was SO EXCITED! Like, I was just, oh I can't tell you how happy I was to see them in church again. So we're going to call them and see if we can come visit with them sometime soon.

On to your letter. I'm sure Todd will have a lot of fun coaching. At least it will be fun to have him along. Especially if he knows his stuff. You can only add when someone knows what they're talking about. It's his turn to do the coaching now and Tiff will have to take care of the kids, huh? Well, I'm sure it'll be exciting, regardless of the outcome. The weather here has been nuts. In the last week, I've worn my jacket more than in the past 2 months I've been here. It's crazy! Haha, oh, so it's been super duper windy. And so on Thursday when we went on exchanges, right before we went, I put my shorts on underneath my skirt so in case it would blow up, which it has previously, no one would see my stylish underwear. Haha. So, we were walking and a gust of wind came and my skirt went all the way to my head. No joke. And the ladies were like OH MY GOSH! I was like don't worry about it, I have shorts on. Haha. So funny.

Aww! I love Hna. Dunoskovic! I miss her like crazy! She's just a sweetheart!

Haha, I love that you said the letter was going to be boring like your life. That's funny. The weekend doesn't sound like it was boring in the slightest. Amidst all the puking and drunkeness, it does sound like it was not boring. I would be peeing my pants if some drunk guy was coming at me, trying to vandalize the squad. Dang. We have drunk people calling us all the time and it's kind of scary because they'll ask us where we are and to come over and it's just like oh man, guys. Get a life. So, yeah. But it sounds intense. I hope there's no puke in my bed. That's nasty!

I did get the package you sent. I was super excited! Elder Iosefa helped me opened it. He was really excited about it. Just as much as I was! I also appreciate the letter in there from Elder Heidt. Haha. I think it's funny that he sent one back to the house. I sent him a postcard with an address he needed and I didn't put my return address on there cause it's a postcard. So, I wrote him today and told him what was up. Haha.

We ate dinner with this family the other night and her sister was in S.O. It was cool cause I got to tell her all about Tom and stuff and we got to talk Special Olympics. It just made her day. She's like almost 55 or something. And I told her she didn't look a day over 22. She was just so happy. Grinning from ear to ear. It just makes my day when I can make someone smile. She honestly didn't look like she was 55 though. It was nuts. Oh well.

Well, that's all I really have for now. I'm glad that things are going swell over in Wisconsin. Oh man, I have to tell you about this other family we ate with the other day. They live on this HUGE farm and it smelled like nice. But, they have 15 kids. Yes. 15. I was like HOLY BUCKETS!!! But, they were fun, but just kind of over the top rude at some points. Like I was trying to give a spiritual thought and he just kept interuppting. On purpose. Because he thought it was funny. My comp just thrived off of that and started doing it, too. I was just like, oh my gosh. But their kids were really nice. It was just the dad that was a little over the top. Like they kept saying retarded and talking about the kids with disabilities and I was like yeah, I work with one every day. It's my brother. That shut them all up. I was just like come on have no idea what people's circumstances are. Let's try and be a little more compassionate and not say stupid things. I wasn't mad, but I was just like hey. Some people really would get offended. You don't know about what people's backgrounds or families are like. Anyways, that's all I have. I love being a missionary! It's legit!
Con mucho amor,
Hna. Pleshek

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