Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
21 Dec 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
14 Dec 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
7 Dec 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
30 Nov 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
23 Nov 2010
Well, I'm glad to hear that things are going well back home! And that everyone is staying warm despite the cold stuff that's happening. We just got some snow, too. It started snowing on Sunday night and hasn't really stopped since. Putting my Wisconsin driving skills to use, so it's all good. Especially with Sister Salmon. Being from Florida, she's a little concerned about the driving in the snow. Not too worry. I'm not the world's scariest driver and I still have a good head on me and I know not to go 80 when it's snowing really hard and there's ice all over.
That's unfortunate about Wayne. But, I guess we can only hope for the best and see what happens. I hope that the braces are helping Papa along. He's still pretty young and kicking. He'll be alright.
I honestly don't have a lot to say this week. With the transfers and stuff, it's just been nuts. We've been going going going and never having any time to stop. We're always busy and I think this transfer just might kill me. I'm so exhausted and I feel it all the time. I crash each night really early and then start worrying about something or other that's happening.
We had Antonio postpone his baptism until further notice. It's got to do with the law of chastity. We taught him that and then the next day, he told us he wanted to postpone it. So, we're dealing with that and he's still been prepared and is a good kid, as he told us he still will keep the word of wisdom. Just, a kid that's looking for something and he's really wanting a new start. So, I'm glad that he's taking this seriously and not just jumping in with his eyes closed. He knows what it all entails and he wants to be able to do all of it.
Umm, I really do want to buy some boots. Cause it's snowing and my shoes have holes in them and that's not okay with me. So, if we could work something out, that would be fantastic! =)
Thanksgiving will be at the Juarez's house. They're a really big family that's all getting together and it'll be fun. I'm looking forward to it. And we're going to the temple next week, so I'll be emailing a little later than normal. If that helps you with your writing, great.
Well, I love you and I miss you all! Be great!
Hna. Pleshek
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
16 Nov 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
9 Nov 2010
Well, this week has been crazy! We've had all sorts of good things happen and so many awesome people we're teaching. I love the little miracles we see each day. [And it especially makes my day when I see someone walk in the library with a mullet!] So, let's see.
Yesterday was awesome. I learned the art of cutting elders' hair. That was exciting. Elder Gamett who goes home next Monday asked if I could cut his hair. Of course, the only experience I have with cutting hair is Tom and Dad. And Tom's is easy. Put on a guard and go to town. Well, it's different with an elder who has to see his family and likes to 'do' his hair as they say. No pressure. Especially with 3 other elders and my companion watching. But, it turned out pretty good. At least I think so. Maybe I'm cut out for the whole hair thing. I sure hope so.
Well, we're teaching this kid named Antonio. He's the boyfriend of a less-active and at first, he wasn't so thrilled about the whole religion thing. He was like 'I'll do my thing, you do yours and we'll leave it at that.' No big deal, right? Well, so we started teaching him and it was such a bust! He was like oh yeah, I wasn't listening when we asked him what he thought about Joseph Smith seeing God and Jesus Christ. I wasn't listening? What the heck? So, we decided that we just needed to start with the basics and since he's very 'Catholic', just to start teaching out of the Gospel Principles book because that's something we could teach and agree on. Well, we've been doing that and as we've been teaching him the principles, he's become more open. He listens and gets involved in the lessons. He voluntarily tells stories and he's just...it's a miracle. He even came to church last week and so did the less active family. It was amazing! We had 3 investigators in church and that was ...awesome! No words.
And then there's this other lady we're teaching - Maria. And her husband is a less active member, too. And she's soooo golden. She asks all the questions you wish an investigator would ask. She's so ready and she's prayed and got her answer and so on Thursday, we're hoping to put her on date. She's so ready. Her husband knows it. The branch knows it. We know it. Now it's just getting her to see that she's ready, too.
We're also tag team teaching this man named Jose. He's pretty golden, too, but the elders can never seem to get a hold of him. So, we pass by and he's there, so we teach him. He's dealing with marriage issues, which I don't want to get involved in, but he's pretty determined to take the lessons even though he's dealing with issues and such. So, we're hoping that he'll want to involve the elders more than us. But he's pretty cool.
It sounds like things are exciting at home, as always. It really does seem like the weeks fly by. I too feel like I sit down to write and think of what all went on the last week. What will interest you to hear about me.
Things are going really good here in Yakima. It's getting cold...so we're hoping to finish tracting Moxee and then have some solid gators there...so we don't have to tract when there's snow on the ground. I hope the Lord provides for us, but I'm always willing to do what He asks...even if it means tracting in the snow.
Speaking of...I know you said you figured out my Christmas present, but does it include boots in any way?
And...things are going well. I love this work and I am glad to be a part of it. I love you all and hope things find you warm and healthy. =)
Con amor,
Hermana Pleshek
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
2 Nov 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
26 Oct 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
19 Oct 2010
Things here have been going good. I went on an exchange last night with Sister Hendricks and it was awesome. It was fun to teach and interesting to work in English. It was my first time and just exciting. We had fun together and even though I was awoken by a coo coo clock every half hour, it was still fun. Oh, I also woke up with some sort of goopy junk in my eye. It's never happened before and now my eye is all red and pink. And it kind of hurts. Yes, I slept with my contacts in, but I've done it before and this hasn't ever happened. Just curious.
I wrote
Well, I've been working on re-committing myself to the mission again and focusing more. I've started over as a greenie and I'm just starting at the beginning. So, it's going to be exciting and I'm putting the Lord to the test to expect miracles. That didn't really
make sense, but you know what it means. Haha.
I can't believe that Jenny McGraw is home! That's insane! I knew she came home in October, but that seemed like it would never come. Yikes! Happy Birthday to Andrew yesterday. I have a letter I wrote to him that's got to be sent out. We share the same birthday. I turned 11 months yesterday. Where has the time gone? It's going so fast and I'm savoring each moment and using it so that I can be a better missionary.
Nuts about everyone getting their mission calls. I can't believe that.
missionary. I'm a real missionary. And I still love being a missionary. It's great!
The work is moving and the area is growing. I'm excited to see what happens. It just needs some help and I'm so excited about seeing the area basically explode with awesome-ness. Oh
shorter, but I guess that's just what happens as the mission goes on. Ahh! I feel so bad. But, I'll write better next week. Sometimes I just am like AHH, I'm done writing emails. Haha. But, oh well. It will slow down...I hope.
I got the box, thanks! I loved it. And one day when you send a box again, can you put my leggings in there so I'll have them for the winter? I really want them because I'm already starting to get cold and it's getting chilly at night and I want leggings to wear under my skirt. And I don't really want to buy any because I've already got a
black and green pair at home. Just send both of them.
Well, I love you all so much. Thank you for all your support and all you do!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
12 Oct 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
12 Oct 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
5 Oct 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
28 Sep 2010
Hna. Pleshek
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
21 Sep 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
14 Sep 2010
I can't believe that I've been in Vancouver for so long. It's been crazy and I really do think that I'm headed up to Yakima for a while. Which is alright with me...even though Yakima is NUTS! All sorts of gangs and craziness. But, oh well. I'll be good. I can't believe how fast this time flies. We're already halfway through the transfer and I'm pretty sure we just had them last week. Oh well, you know how it goes. They say that it goes even faster after the mission...not sure how excited I am about that.
Hna. Pleshek
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Handwritten on 8 Sep 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
7 Sep 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
31 August 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
24 Aug 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
A note from Sister Greer
Hello from Washington! We recently selected some sisters to attend specialized training from the missionary department. Your daughter was one of the sisters selected. They were in our home for four days and attended intensive training that they will help to implement in their area.
They were wonderful and darling and we love them!! Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy. They love you and are serving well.
Thank you for sharing them with us!
Much love,
President and Sister Greer
Washington Kennewick Mission
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
18 Aug 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
10 Aug 2010
Even though it's a million and one degrees in Nauvoo, I still want to be there. It's the first time in a REALLY long time that I haven't been able to go and I'm sad. I miss it and the Spirit there. I can't believe that it's already been a year since I've gotten my mission call and gone through the temple. Well, almost a year. I don't remember the exact date, but I do remember that it was amazing and I sure have grown to love the temple so much. I was at a less active's house yesterday and we were sharing a lesson about the temple and how we have such a GREAT responsibility to do the work for these people and I was telling her about how special it is to get to do that. We were talking about the first time I went through and the tears just started going down my face. I'm a lot more emotional person on my mission. A lot more emotional about spiritual things and really, that's how it should be.
Let's see. ATF is all the time finding. When we're doing whatever we do, and we're looking for people to find and talk to, that's what ATF-ing is. There's all sorts of fun lingo in the mission and wow. It's amazing that I didn't know it before hand. Haha. Now it's just a second...well, third language to me.
So, this conference we had this week was AMAZING! I couldn't have asked for anything more awesome! I was spiritually drained, but I learned so much! I can't even go into every single detail about how great it was. But, I really did gain a huge appreciation for the companion I have. She's great and I knew that, but after seeing some of the other girl's companions and how much they struggle with them, I was so grateful that I have the companion I do. I love her and we have fun together.
While I was in the Tri-cities, I got to go back to my old area and that was AMAZING! But, at the same time, really sad. I just don't know what happened after I left. I found a ton of people I was teaching and some are doing really well, but some are struggling, too. And I just...wow. It really just broke my heart to see some of the things that have happened since I left. But, you know, it's not my area anymore and I just have to trust that the Lord will take care of everything. I just want to go back before I end my mission. That would be super fun! But, I just loved seeing all the people and they were so stoked to see me. It was awesome!
So, I accomplished one of my goals this week. Right before Elder Montoya left Vancouver to go back to Pasco, we were talking about Spanish. And he's from Mexico City. Obviously knows Spanish. So, we were talking in the car and he goes 'Sister Pleshek, you're always saying how your Spanish is bad. What are you going to do about it?' And it really took me off guard because I was trying and studying and just I was really trying to to better and then he just cut me down. And I told him I was trying. So, I made a goal to just get better. To do it all. And when I saw him this week, he came up to me and he just started talking to me in Spanish and we had a long conversation. And it was AWESOME! And he just looked at me and was absolutely amazed that my Spanish had improved that much. And, so I just felt really good and now I'm a lot more confident in my abilities. It's funny because I don't even know the difference between English and Spanish anymore. People can talk to me and I don't remember if we had that conversation in English or Spanish. It's second nature to me now and that's how it should be. But, I was so excited!
It sounds like things are going well at home. I'm glad that you're all enjoying your time in Nauvoo and all that jazz. I really miss you all, but I couldn't be more excited to be here in Vancouver serving my Heavenly Father. It's the best decision I ever made in my life and I'm just so thrilled that I'm here and get to watch people change! There's a man we're teaching and he's so awesome! He wants to change his life around. He came to church 2 weeks in a row now and came to a MEGA spiritual baptism on Saturday. I've got high hopes for him. He's absorbing everything like a sponge. We are truly blessed!
I love you! Sigue adelante!
Con amor,
Hna. Pleshek
Saturday, August 7, 2010
2 Aug 2010
It's Monday and we have p-day today! Mainly because we are going to the Tri-Cities tomorrow in the morning and President Greer wanted us to have a p-day. Sweet, huh? Well, it's been a crazy week! We had an RS activity on Tuesday and we learned how to make pies. Well, I didn't. I got roped into entertaining the children. We read books, sang songs, and drank some juice. It was like nursery. Haha. We were supposed to have an appointment or 2, but we got stood up. Story of my life. I think only a handful of people this transfer have been home when we have set appointments with them. Anyways, the transfer is like half way over. Wow. That's insane! It for real just feels like it just started. On Wednesday, it'll be 2 weeks until it ends. Crazy! Transfers are on the 25th. I'm looking forward to a transfer call that does NOT include my name.
Wednesday, was an exciting day! We were headed to lunch and we got stopped by this traffic jam. All this black smoke was coming out of McDonald's on Fort Vancouver Way, so we stopped to look at it. Apparently, a car burst into flames in the Drive-Thru because of a gas leak and resulted in the restaurant burning. Luckily, the play equipment was not harmed.
Before we were going to lunch, we were knocking doors. We ran into 2 ladies who are both named Maria. They are both awesome and I hope we get to teach them.
So, we had lunch with Elders Covington and Mick and their mini missionaries. One of them [the cooler one] was born in Wisconsin. So we bonded! It was so great! There's also a missionary here that just came in from Whitefish Bay, WI. It was exciting to see someone else from home. We had dinner at Costo with our elders. There's an hermano in the branch who always takes us to Costco; buys each companionship a pizza, and we just eat. It was kind of a rant session for us cause on Tuesday, our district was the only one that weren't invited to this hike. We were told it was zone p-day and so we were all kind of upset that no one told any of us. Turns out it wasn't, but we were still not involved...on purpose. So there was this huge riff between my district and the rest of the zone. It was a huge drama fest. But we purposely were not invited, so it sucked. But, we had fun playing without them. But yeah. Don't know if it's still a problem, but man. We weren't invited cause the elders in my district wanted to plan a fishing trip [which didn't actually happen] and one of the elders took it personally, so that's why. Ridiculous, but oh well. So we kind of ranted about that at dinner. But, afterwards, there was this guy on the side of the road that was selling flags. We stopped and ATF'ed him and saw how much the flags cost. I don't really want to pay 30 bucks for a Mexican flag. To end our awesome night, we found a man named Luis, who is separated from his wife and has an interest in the Gospel. It's amazing how the Atonement automatically connects everyone to the gospel, no matter what. But, that was our Wednesday and it was very exciting!
Our Thursday was exciting, too. We went over to a recent convert’s house and she had 700 yellow page books to put into bags. Yeah, so we did that for a while and helped her do it all. It took a while but it was really funny. Her name is Marta and she's been kind of sad/depressed for a while, but she was actually happy. It was so awesome to see her happy! We had this lesson at a less active member's house about prayer and it went so well. I just started crying in the middle of the lesson. I was and am so grateful for you and Dad that we had family prayer in the morning and that we grew up with scripture study. Just realizing too how much prayer means to me. It's something I need for sure in my future home and with my future family. No ands, ifs, or buts. We had dinner at the Garcia's and it was great! I always love eating with the elders. Hna. Rico and I were walking down the street after and we went into this gas station because we had to use the bathroom. While Hna. Rico was in the bathroom, I ATF'ed the workers and they liked us so they told us to come back so we would be regulars. Haha. I can't this week, but I want to go back next week! We were walking back and talking and all these girls started meowing at us while they were driving past. Like how Clint barks, but meowing. Made Hna. Rico scream. Haha. But we ended our night with a lesson to a man named Juan Carlos. He's a little crazy, but so funny! He said he would come to church and he did! And he loved it! Awesome, huh? I was excited and still am! But it was good. And we got some horchata that night. Sooo good!
Friday was amazing for me! We had a meeting with President Alder. The elders were late, so it gave me a chance to play and practice the piano. We had a fast weekly planning, which was probably not good, but oh well. We had no time. Hna. Rico thought we should make cookies for this investigator family that we love, so we did. And I got a letter from Brazil! Probably one of my most favorite things now! I got one from Argentina last week, but that wasn't as good. Haha. It for sure made the rest of the night better. I didn't really care that people weren't home for our appointments and I didn't get discouraged. It was a really nice feeling to not have.
Saturday was nuts! We struck out all morning, but the Lord knows where we need to be. We were on one side of town and we left cause no one was answering. We stopped at this apartment complex and as we were leaving, Eduardo, one of our awesome investigators that I haven't seen for almost a month, rode by on his bike. He recognized me through the window. He stopped and we set up an appointment for tonight. I hope it goes well. We headed to Washougal to teach a contact we had. His wife is a less active member. So we went over and I just got right down to it cause I didn't want to waste time. It's about a 15 minute drive to their house and we don't have the miles to do it if he won't progress. He said he's been having the lessons on and off for 8 years, doesn't believe in changing religions [he's Catholic and doesn't even go] and even though he believes it all, he doesn't believe in Joseph Smith. So, we aren't going to waste our time teaching him when he told us basically he won't progress. We went out to eat that night with the Hibbards and it was SO great! I love that family!
Yesterday was super well. Juan Carlos was at church and we had a break the fast and it was awesome! Hna. Rico wasn't feeling too well, so that was not fun for her. But, other than that, it was great! We had a break the fast afterwards and it was really good. Did a number on my stomach, but SO good!
We have zone p-day today and I'm stoked about that. It'll be fun and I'm really looking forward to it. But, I love you all and have fun at girl's camp. Our stake had it this last week and the U-Haul that was carrying all their stuff burst into flames. Lovely, right? Anyways, have a fantastic week! I sure do love being a missionary!
Con amor,
Hna. Pleshek
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
27 Jul 2010
Querido mi familia,
Wow. What a week it sure has been. It's drug on, but gone by so fast! I can't believe it's already Tuesday again. I have no idea where it goes. The week just starts and then it's gone. What's even more hard to believe is that it's almost August and in 3 weeks, I'll be at my halfway point. What the heck? I seriously don't know where I've been or where the time has gone. It makes me sad just thinking that this grand adventure is halfway over. Man, I love being a missionary. There's never been something that's been so rewarding or made me so happy than to be here in
Oh man. Last Monday, it was super awesome and so hard. It seems like it always happens like that. Both hard and awesome at the same time. I was so...frustrated cause we had all these appointments and no one was home. Lovely, right? Yeah, no. But, we decided to go street contacting. I don't know. It just didn't feel right that we were where we were. I was trying to listen to the Spirit. We just got in the car and I drove to a place where we normally park. After we parked, I got out and it just felt right. Well, we said a prayer in the car. But we walked across the street to the park to find someone to talk to. There was a man sitting on the ground and I went and asked him if we could talk to him. We started talking and found out his name was Woody. He's homeless and can yell really loud. He told me I had pretty eyes and tried to touch my face, but other than that, it was fun to talk to him. I gave him a pass along card since I didn't have anything else. We just started contacting all these people and oh man. We found lots of people to talk to. There was actually a woman that came up to us to have the missionaries come to her house and visit her. Wow. It was one of those days where I just love being a missionary. Sometimes, I feel like it's me vs. Vancouver and when that happens, I think about my Savior that KNOWS exactly how I feel and will never leave me by myself. He's always there for me and He knows how it feels to be so alone.
Everyday my testimony grows of how involved the Lord is in this work. We're just the little workers and He's the boss. Oh man. And I just think about how if we would have changed one single thing, stayed a little longer or left earlier, things would not have happened the same. I really can't wait to get home and share the Gospel at home with people I meet. I'm stoked to go out with the missionaries. I don't want to be on of those bum RM's that doesn't help the missionaries. Especially when I know how it feels to have no help from the members and to go teach lessons without that powerful member testimony and help.
Saturday, too, was an interesting day. It was the same story - no one home. We were trying to make an R.A. with a lady named Blanca. We get to the appointment and there's this lady with her door open. A little girl running in and out. We go in and I start talking to her. She wants to show me a picture or two, so I just kind of invited myself in. Haha. She didn't seem to care so much. But she's precious! She's old and her husband has been dead for 26 years. She has 11 kids. Her name is Sara and she's so tender! And answer to a prayer! She already knows so many things about the Gospel. But, I really feel like she's ready for it. I hope that we can teach to her needs and she will feel the Spirit through us. Man, I love prayer. I love the feelings I get when I pray. I pray a lot more fervently and I love to pray for everyone. I pray to be a better missionary.
It really is amazing for me to see the changes in myself. Sometimes, I feel like there wasn't a life or a world before my mission. I know there was and I know I still have friends because they write me. But it's SO different. I can't even explain it. Anyways.
Here's something exciting! So, on Sunday night, we're driving home from our appointment and we have like 3 new voicemails. So check them, right? And one is from President Greer. And he's all like Sister Pleshek, call me back. I've got some things to talk to you about. So I call him back and I'm kind of freaking cause what's going on? He answers and tells me that I've been picked from the sister missionaries [along with 5 other sisters] to spend 4 days in the Tri-Cities, doing some training. Part of all the changes going on in the missionary program is the 8 new lessons for the missionaries to learn. We had training on 1 lesson already on Friday when we had interviews. But I'm spending 4 days along with 70 other missionaries, doing some intense training. I'll end up having to teach missionaries in zone conferences or other special training meetings. So, I'm pretty stoked and at the same time, I feel really special. I feel like I'm doing something right. And p.s. I really love the Greers! I love the Belnaps, but I feel a really special connection with the Greers. They are amazing people and I'm so lucky that they are my mission president and wife! I was lucky, I get 2! They really are awesome!
We had our interviews on Friday and it went really well. President and Sister Greer were so sweet! Hna. Rico was in first with President, so Sister Greer and I were just having a blast talking. She's so precious! We talked about medical things and then she asked me to tell her a story. President Greer and I just shot the breeze. He thanked me for my service and for training. It was really nice of him to tell me that. It's what I needed to hear. From July to November, the mission is losing 67 missionaries. Crazy, huh? I couldn't believe it! He said that means we're going to need 67 trainers. Haha. I just laughed.
Oh, so, I have this GIANT favor to ask. There's a family here and their names are the Beltrans. And they are awesome! They were sealed in October in the
We had our district meeting this week at a park. That was really exciting! Haha, the only reason we did it is cause the elders have only 100 miles left for the month. Well, about 80 or so now. But, we have like 500. Which okay, I don't know how. All 3 or so months I've been driving, I've had extra miles left over. In June, we went to
My hija has a swollen eye. It's been getting worse every day. We called Sister Greer last night and we did what she said [she thinks it's allergies], but it's just gotten worse. I haven't ever had a companion that didn't have an eye/swelling problem. All my comps have had that and allergies. I'm the only allergy free, normal eyed one. Haha. Cool, huh? Poor thing. She's miserable though.
I've been having trouble sleeping for the last little while. I'm not bothered by anything and I don't think its stress. I don't know. But, I took a Benedryl last night to help and I was knocked out by
I've started reading the Book of Mormon over again. Little by little, it's becoming more and more real to me each day. Not that it wasn't real before, but it was just stories to me. I love the Book of Mormon and the Bible. I've come to a better appreciation for the Bible on my mission.
Man, so I played with the elders today. We played basketball and I was really good. Haha. I won't lie. I was pulling things out of places I didn't even know existed. But, it helped that there weren't a lot of people there. Yeah, today was zone p-day and no one told my district. Lovely, huh? Yeah, we were excluded, but oh well. We were still together as a district.
Anyways, I love you. The Gospel is true, the book is blue. Thanks for your love and I sure do miss you all.
Con amor,
Hna. Pleshek